Doreen Virtue Goddesses and Angels CD Review

Expand your spiritual horizons with Doreen Virtue’s Goddesses & Angels 4-CD: Awakening Your Inner High-Priestess and “Source-eress”
If you are ready, this narrative can expand your thoughts on allowing your Arch Angels to help and guide you.

Goddesses and Angels CD

I purchased Doreen Virtue’s Goddesses and Angels CD about a month ago. At that point, I had only listened to the first of the 4 CD set. I was able to listen to the remainder of the recording while traveling to my parent’s home for Thanksgiving weekend. It makes for great listening in the car when driving alone.

In this narrative, Doreen goes into significant detail describing her contacts with her spirit guides and guardian angels as she and her husband travel around the world. She begins the first CD by describing a trip to Sedona, Arizona where she participated in a sweat lodge cleansing ceremony and then proceeds to visit Cancun, Glastonbury, Hawaii, Australia and even Lourdes for some amazing spiritual experiences.

Through her travels, she lets you in on a bit of her life and how she connects with her angels, which are available to all of us. I found this part most interesting and learned quite a bit about how to connect to many of the Arch Angels and Goddeses like Michael, Raphael, Gabrielle, Uriel and many more.

Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow Children

Also, Doreen also tells of her observations about the Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow children. She talks about many of their traits and characteristics. Doreen also gives some advice on how to connect with these types of children.

Doreen also discusses etheric cords and how they can lead to energy drainage, excessive giving without regards to self-nurturing, and negative people and attitudes.

Something that really resonated for me was listening about Doreen’s experiences. It was great to hear about connecting with her angels. I was glad to find out how easy they are to call into your life.

The spirts have a lot to communicate to us these days. I would recommend this audio CD for anyone interested in learning to connect with their Guardian Angels and divine guidance.

You can read more reviews of Doreen Virtue’s Goddesses & Angels 4-CD: Awakening Your Inner High-Priestess and “Source-eress here.”

Further Reading

Signs From Your Spirit Guides

Spirit Guide Meditation Kit

Have your Spirit Guides Lost Patience with You?

Spirit Guides – Who’s On Your Team?

Five Ways To Contact Your Spirit Guides

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