What’s Stopping You From Completing Your Psychic Training Programs?

finish line - complete psychic training programs

Have you ever purchased intuitive or psychic training programs only for them to become shelf help? Find out how to finish what you started. One of the things that frequently comes up during an intuitive reading is discussion of one or more psychic training programs purchased some time ago that have now become shelf help. … Read more

Who Would You Become If You Could Do It All Over?

Who Would You Become If You Could Do It All Over?

Who would you become if you could do it all over? What if you were given a blank slate and the opportunity to start over? What changes would you make? Could you be true to your soul level self? Imagine the possibilities of starting over with a clean slate. What if you could start over … Read more

How To Hear Your Intuition By Asking Better Questions

One of the ways we tend to keep ourselves stuck is by asking disempowering questions. Find out how the quality of your questions affects receiving intuitive guidance. You may not realize just how much the quality of the questions you ask yourself makes a difference in hearing your intuition. The thing is that we have … Read more

Shifting your Beliefs for New Possibilities

Shifting Your Beliefs For New Possibilities

Is shifting your beliefs possible? Find out what it takes to make a leap in your belief system to think and respond in a different manner. I tend to stay far away from the political arena on my blog and even in my personal life. Why go there? Discussing politics seems to lead into conversations … Read more

Professional Intuitive Training Courses

Improve your intuition and psychic abilities with an intuitive training course. Learn methods and tools to connect reliably with your own intuition. I have already written quite a few posts on developing intuition but not talked a lot about some of the professional courses available. Who can Benefit from Intuitive Training? I believe we all … Read more

Surrendering to Your Intuition

Surrendering to your Intuition

If you are having trouble making decisions, try surrendering to your intuition. Learn just how much we try to control every aspect of our lives to the detriment of listening to our intuition. I am sure you have read that everyone is intuitive to some degree or another. A few degrees is all that separates … Read more

Tips for Developing your Intuition

Developing your intuition does not have to be hard or take a lifetime. By learning some concepts and tips, you can incorporate intuitive development into your daily life. Our intuitive abilities get stronger and more reliable when we use them on a daily basis. Here are tips for developing and aligning with your intuition. You … Read more