Intuitive Journal Podcast 3 – Angel Numbers – Messages from Spirit

angel numbers - messages from spirit

Do you often see angel numbers and repeating number sequences like 111, 222, 333, and others? That is what I am talking about today’s podcast and if you’ve seen them frequently, you probably have a lot of questions about why you see them, why they have suddenly become a part of your life and if there is anything you need to do.

You might have wondered about what their relevance is for a certain situation in your life. So today what I want to talk about now is understanding the bigger picture around why you see those cryptic repeating number patterns and sequences so you start to understand the messages and more importantly how to use them to create positive changes in all areas of your life.

This is one of the most commented topics on my blog and I have received hundreds of visitors to my blog posts on repeating numbers every day for the past seven years, so if you have been seeing repeating numbers for some time this podcast if for you.

Scroll down for the written transcript if you can’t listen in.


angel numbers, repeating number patterns, messages from spirit, repeating numbers


Intuitive Readings

Free E-Book on Repeating Numbers


Podcast 3 – Angel Numbers and Messages from the Divine


Do you see repeating number patterns and angel number sequences like 111, 222, 333, and others? That is what I am talking about today and if you’ve seen them frequently, you probably have a lot of questions about why you see them, why they have suddenly become a part of your life and if there is anything you need to do. You might have wondered about what their relevance is for a certain situation in your life. So today what I want to talk about now is understanding the bigger picture around why you see those cryptic repeating number patterns and sequences so you start to understand the messages and more importantly how to use them to create positive changes in all areas of your life.

This is one of the most commented topics on my blog and I have received hundreds of visitors to my blog posts on repeating numbers every day for the past seven years, so if you have been seeing repeating numbers for some time this podcast if for you. You are not alone! And just to let you know if you want to know what some of the specific numbers mean like 222 or 444, I do have a free report available on my website at In that report I list out the meanings of each of the top 10 most common repeating numbers like 11:11, 111, 222, 333, and others.

Your Guides and Angels Are Trying To Get Your Attention

In a nutshell, your guides and angels are trying to get your attention by showing you signs. One of the most common ways in which angels speak to us is by showing us repetitive number sequences. In one aspect, it means you are capable of receiving higher quality vibrational messages. It is a way to get your attention regarding something important in your life, usually a decision of some sort. It could deal with your marriage, relationship, career, or other major life areas. What you need to understand is how to align your choices to the messages presented. Seeing repeating number patterns gives you clues to actions aligned with your soul level self and gifts.

So, probably one of the biggest questions I get asked via email or during an intuitive reading is “I see repeating numbers all the time. Is there something I need to do?
And the short answer is YES! You do need to be doing something different now that you have noticed them.

What Are You Supposed To Do?

Most of the bigger questions start after that – Just exactly WHAT am I now supposed to do with this information? It may have started out with you seeing sets of repeating numbers for some time, long enough where you knew it was no longer just a coincidence. You may see many different number patterns repeatedly or just one single number.

But whatever pattern you see, it has caused you to begin a search for more information and more than likely why you found one of my website pages or are listening to this podcast. You have probably combed the internet in search of their meanings, especially if you see a less well-known number like 512, 223, or something similar.

You might also see a certain person’s birthday number or some other number that just seems to keep showing up.

So, you start gathering and collecting information from various sources. Some of it makes sense and some of it might be in direct opposition to each other. It can leave you feeling like you have been left in the dark about a few key points.

Are You Receiving Mixed Messages?

From my own experience the progression goes something like this: You see one or more repeating number patterns and know it is more frequent than normal, yet at some level you may still just think of it as a neat phenomenon. You may have even discussed it with friends or family and gotten mixed messages.

Some of the more logical folks may have told you that you are making it all up in your head or that because you are focusing on it you are just noticing the numbers more frequently.

You may have have also run across people that have told you it is a “negative” sign and you had better not be messing around with that type of stuff.

Depending on how diverse your friends and family are you may have found one or two other people that see them as well, yet you probably feel like you are now both in the same boat wondering what to do next with the information. Is it just a sign to make a wish to the Universe or something more?

Angel Numbers – Is There Something More?

You can certainly make a wish whenever you see 11:11, but if you are still searching for answers, you probably have this feeling there is something more to the story. This is a point a lot of people can stay stuck in for a long time; sometimes years.

But the numbers don’t disappear, at least in my own experience. In fact, once you recognize one number pattern, such as 11:11, it seems to open you up to seeing more.

You can start to see 333, 777, 999 and even other less known single number patterns like 227 or 915.

At a soul level, you might have a feeling there is something bigger underneath the surface when it comes to seeing repeating number patterns.

At a subconscious level, you may prefer to stay confused and NOT know any more about them. It can be so much easier to just chalk it up to coincidence or happenstance.

You might be fearful about the types of changes that following the signs could mean for your life. You can think sometimes that you are better off not knowing. I used to think that way as well, but found It was the beginning of my own spiritual wake-up call.”

My Own Journey

My own journey into repeating numbers started around 2008. Back then I would have been considered pretty normal by most people’s standards, going about my life with little to no spiritual awareness.

I was working as an office manager in a financial office and began to feel as if something had gone seriously wrong with my life.

I experienced something that I came to find out was referred to a “dark night of the soul” or something close to that. It felt like I was completely off track, but couldn’t seem to put my finger on what I was really supposed to be doing with my life or what contribution I was here to offer the world.

It was a particularly tough period of time until I was able to start listening to my Spirit Guides and Angels and learned to trust their messages.

Those messages began to come in the form of repeating numbers. It was the beginning of my own spiritual wake-up call.

Spiritual Awakening

Many people have the impression that you have to be “born psychic” in order to talk to your spirit guides and higher self.

It may seem that only a select few are given that ability. My view is that everyone is born possessing these abilities, but for most they have become disconnected and taught not to believe in “all that psychic stuff”.

Instilling fear in people can be a great deterrent to reconnecting with your higher self and guides and it took some time to work through those fears.

I knew I had a lot to share about my spiritual awakening and launched my blog, Intuitive Journal in November of 2009. I built my website because I wanted to share my journey with others.

My Guides Were Trying To Tell Me Something

I knew that if I was going through this process; others were too. I kept seeing repeating number patterns, like 333, 444, and 11:11 more and more frequently. My spirit guides were definitely trying to tell me something through those repeating numbers, and I had better sit up and take notice.

My guess is if you are here listening to this, you also have an interest in learning how to access your intuition and understand the deeper messages of the repeating numbers that follow you through life.
Learning to access your intuition is quite a powerful path to travel, and can lead to less roadblocks in your life and being generally happier as a result.

Seeing repeating numbers became a regular occurrence in my daily life. They became particularly strong every time I would think about leaving my financial job.

Fast forward to June 2011, when I gave my notice and finally left my day job for good. During the months leading up to that event I saw various repeating numbers anywhere from 20-30 times per day.

Even now, many years later, I still see repeating numbers frequently. I now use repeating numbers as my guide to let me know if the next thing I am planning is aligned with my soul level path.

A Validation You Are On The Right Path

For me, seeing repeating numbers is a validation that I am taking the right next step and that step is aligned with my soul purpose. I have welcomed them into my life and can now use them to put the pieces together and follow their signs. I know that is what you want to.

Okay, so the first thing I think is important to understand is that each number resonates to a specific unique vibrational frequency. Whether you realize it or not when you see a number like 333, at that moment or shortly before seeing it you have tapped into the specific energy and frequency of that number. Think of music and notes on a scale. Each note has a specific tone and a specific frequency. Angel numbers do as well. Your personal vibration at any given moment allows you to connect with some numbers more than others.

What unfortunately happens is we often get so wrapped up in the search for more information on what one specific number means we fail to see the bigger picture. You might worry whether a certain number is positive or negative or that seeing that number indicates something good or bad will happen for you. That bigger picture includes looking at why you even see the angel numbers at all.

So, here are a few reasons why you see repeating angel numbers patterns or sequences.

• It gives you first an indication you have a level of awareness where you can have a larger and deeper connection to Source energy.
• It indicates your soul is ready to heal current situations so you can align to your larger purpose.
• They indicate you are ready to take new actions toward your dreams, desires, and goals.

What Stops You From Hearing The Messages?

So, what stops you from listening to the messages within the numbers?

Say for example you ask your guides for a sign about leaving your day job. You might see 111 or other repeating angel numbers within minutes of asking for a sign. See this as your confirmation and for me it resonates to a yes. The thing is; many people stop right there and then ask the same question the next day or the next week. You can end up in a perpetual cycle of asking questions but failing to see the bigger picture or take any action. You can feel trapped or that you have limited ways to accomplish your new goals.
What happens along the way is what we want and where our passions reside get bull-dozed over often due to fear, shame, guilt, and blame.

Your belief system may be such that is difficult to believe you can have all that you dream of having. You might end up thinking you have to settle for the life you have created so far. You can think bigger success is only for someone else. We tell ourselves things like that to cover up the wounds, sometimes so much we can believe it for years.
Understand by doing that you are putting a mask over your true soul level gifts. When years pass and that mask stays on, it can take deep healing work to peel back all those layers. Think of peeling back the layers of an onion.

When I work with clients we look at your soul level gifts and energetic misalignments in your way, which keep you moving forward with your goals. We peel back those layers and begin healing those past and present life situations. Once you have a clear understanding of the energies behind your choices, you can see what you need to do next. We also talk about what those next actions steps might be for you.

Angel Numbers:  What Do They Mean For Me?

So, the burning question on everyone’s mind is “Repeating numbers: what do they mean for me?” and the answer to this is that they mean something slightly different to everyone. If that isn’t enough to make you crazy! The way repeating numbers in general show up in your life are as an answer to your thoughts and wishes for something better to come into your life. So, that is why they mean something slightly different to each of you. Think of it as a personalized answer from the Universe to your thoughts, wishes, and problems.

The reason there are slightly different meanings for the repeating numbers is because numbers have a bigger global vibration and also an individual meaning. So, the bigger global vibration is meant to reach a large amount of people, and of course just like anything, when you reach a large group of people, those definitions and meanings get a bit mainstream.

When you look at a number from an individual level, there are subtleties, because you are bringing your own personal experiences into the mix. It is a combination of your personal belief system, experiences, and frame of reference. It is one of the reasons why a number like 444 shows up on the internet in opposing ways. Some people view it as a positive sign and others view it as a not so positive sign. That makes for a lot of apprehension around certain number patterns.

So, to answer the question about what do they mean for me; I will give you this to ponder. Have you been considering making a big change in your life lately? These types of number patterns commonly appear when you are thinking about making a major life change like a career, a relationship, or even moving. It is a positive sign that there is a deeper connection to be had and also to allow your intuition to open up and become useful in everyday situations. It really is a form of heartfelt connection with the Divine.

Paying Attention and Divine Timing

Your spirit and consciousness are growing at an exponential rate at this time on Earth and the numbers are here to guide you with that path.

So, one way you can receive a better indication of what angel numbers mean to you is to be paying attention to what you were thinking about right before you saw the repeating numbers. The numbers are a good indication that your thoughts are on the right path with the next steps you should be taking. It does take some conscious awareness, but you will become quicker at discerning what they mean in relation to your thoughts. The important thing is to be aware of your thoughts right before or when you see a specific number pattern.

But of course that is only one way to do it and only part of the story. What I just gave you will work for some of you because some of you are at a point where you have enough of an intention for it to make sense. Most of the questions I have answered via email however; revolve around multiple scenarios and in a lot of cases you are setting multiple intentions in rapid succession. Then when you see the repeating numbers, you can easily become confused as to which situation it applies to. And then the loop and cycle of gathering more information kicks into gear. When that happens it is very difficult to make any progress at all.

Deceased Loved Ones

Some of you have asked if a specific number like 444 represents confirmation of deceased loved ones around you. They could be and perhaps for some of you that is all the number meant at that moment. However, for others a deceased loved one might be a messenger showing you an alternate path.

So, think about what you were asking at the time when you saw a certain repeating number. Were you just asking for confirmation about a dear departed soul or were you asking for help and guidance in some other life area?

From my own experience, when I see repeating number patterns and sequences it confirms a choice I was considering was in alignment with my highest path and purpose. I have experienced many points along the way where confirmation came in the form of repeating angel numbers. When I saw them I had a deep inner knowing of the next steps I needed to take.

Okay, so that is all for today and I will share more about repeating angel numbers on another upcoming podcast. There is so much more to say! I have a free report available on my blog at that lists out each of the major triple repeating number patterns, so hop on over and sign up for my free report if you want to know more.

Thanks so much for listening.

Intuitive Journal Podcast 2 – An Interview With Barret Hedeen

How would your life be without pain fear and suffering? In this podcast, I share a conversation with Barret Hedeen. Barret Hedeen is the creator of The Witness Energy Healing, a technique to witness the perfection and wholeness that is inside you, using insights into your energy, emotions and past lives.  As you are witnessed more truly, the shadows and imperfections that you have believed are brought forward and fully released.  In their wake is found your inner light, joy and peace.  It has always been there, waiting to be discovered.

In addition, Barret has written two books sharing his connection to his inner guide, Jesus, whom he endearingly calls J.  In Questions for J – And the Love that He Gave Me, Barret turns his questions of pain and sorrow over to J, and has words of compassion and grace returned.  The result is a go-to guide for how to come back to our peace when the world and its issues are getting us down.  His second book is a collection poems from this same inspired and joyful self, entitled Poems for J.  Both are available at (link below).

Barret is a Certified Six Sensory with Sonia Choquette.  He has studied a number of different forms of healing, including Quantum Touch, shiatsu, Qi Gong, Bowenwork, meditation and more.  He is a certified Soul Realignment practitioner able to read the Akashic records.  In addition, Barret has received a Bachelor of Science degree from Northwestern University in Computer Science, and is a graduate of the Chicago School of Massage Therapy.


Past lives, energy healing, stepping into professional healing work, putting up with pain on a daily basis, reconnecting with joy and peace


Intuitive Journal

Free E-Book on Repeating Numbers and Sequences


Interview with Barret Hedeen


Laura Jean: Hello Everyone!

Thank you for listening to the Intuitive Journal podcast! I am your host, Laura Jean Warnke. For the past 8 years I have been a professional intuitive, spiritual advisor, and the author of the blog, where I write about stepping out of the psychic closet, repeating angel number patterns and developing your intuition. I also offer private Akashic Record readings and 1 to 1 mentoring services for those ready to step out of the psychic closet and into professional healing work.

Today, I am sharing a conversation with Barret Hedeen, who is the creator of The Witness Energy Healing, a technique to witness the perfection and wholeness that is inside you, using insights into your energy, emotions and past lives.

Barret has written two books sharing his connection to his inner guide, Jesus, whom he endearingly calls J.  In Questions for J – And the Love that He Gave Me, Barret turns his questions of pain and sorrow over to J, and has words of compassion and grace returned.  The result is a go-to guide for how to come back to our peace when the world and its issues are getting us down.  His second book is a collection poems from this same inspired and joyful self, entitled Poems for J.  Both are available through

I want to welcome you to the podcast Barret! Why don’t you take a moment and say hello to everyone listening…

Barret: Hello! Thank you so much Laura! It’s really great being here and I’m excited that we are going to be doing this today.

Laura Jean: Yes, exactly! I am totally excited about our talk today. Okay, so I want to share with my listeners that Barret and I have known each other for I would say probably 4-5 years if I remember correctly. I believe we met at a healing workshop or two and more recently we have been doing weekly support calls to keep us both on track with our healing businesses. So, I guess, does that sound about right 4-5 years ago?

Barret: I think so. I think so, yeah. I remember it was a workshop about money and healing our issues around money.

Laura Jean: Yes! The ongoing work of healing!

Barret: Yeah! Most people have stuff in that area.

Laura Jean: Yes, definitely! So, I think my audience and my listeners would love to know more about The Witness Energy Healing and what that means to you.

Barret: The reason I called my practice The Witness Energy Healing is because that’s really the work that I do. And the healing perspective is I witness. I bear witness to past lives that people have when they come forward, I bear witness to pains or hurts that people are feeling, helping them to see them and to feel them in order for them to be gently released and undone.

So, this is a process of peeling back the layers, the false layers within us of fear, judgement, anger. Sometimes these are tied into traumas from earlier in this lifetime. Again, we can just keep going back even further. I have this ability to tune into people’s past lives too which actually grew out of my own healing journey. As I was doing my healing work I started to have memories, that I knew I didn’t experience them this time around. So it was very clear to me those memories were from other lifetimes.

And the reason they were coming up for me was that so I could actually heal whatever pain was connected to them and release that. In my journey I have just let go of whole different bits of things; fears, judgements, old past lives, patterns, issues around money, issues around sex, issues around even things that are awful like death and murder. Most of it being more mundane than that.

Every time I heal something and let it go I find that I step more into joy and peacefulness in my life and my clients are feeling the same thing and sharing the changes that are showing up in their lives as well.

Laura Jean: So can you remember a point when you really kind of knew that this was where you were going and doing healing work professionally was where it was supposed to go for you?

Barret: Yes, well before I was doing energy healing I was a massage therapist for several years and that’s actually where I started to learn about a lot of these different things because I knew almost nothing about energy healing until I was a massage therapy school. Even then it was just like a little aside in one of the classes where it was mentioned. I was like I don’t know what that is.

But over time I started to learn about it and I started to realize that the work I was learning was actually much deeper than the massage I was doing. That massage was always nice and it could help people but then in a week or two weeks later their tension returned. A lot of the issues I was working on (with clients) just went back to how they were.

I could see that the energy healing actually had a more long-term impact. It was a deeper and more meaningful shift for people. Again, it really started with my life. I remember the first book that really got me into this area was a book called “Hands of Light” by Barbara Brennan. It was helpful to me because she had previously been a scientist. She had worked for NASA, and I think it was building satellites or rockets or something like that. Then she had this big psychic opening and she started seeing lights and auras around people and thought maybe she was going a little crazy at first but then realized it was just her authentic self coming forward. I was reading this book about her experience and eventually she went on to start a school.

I started to use some of these techniques with my massage therapy clients and I remember one experience I had where at the end of the massage I was just also incorporating energy healing while I was doing a very gentle kind of closing parts of the massage and this person had a massive opening of the heart. I had this feeling…you know how in the story of How The Grinch Stole Christmas, his heart grew three sizes that day? I had that feeling, like her heart was growing multiple sizes. It was like way bigger.

So, I am sitting there in silence while this is happening during the massage just feeling it and sensing it. She opens her eyes when the session was over and she said, “Oh my God, it felt like my heart expanded so much in that session!”

At that point I was like okay! This was probably the big light bulb. This work really does something, it really makes a big difference in people’s lives. It was profound. It was really profound.

Laura Jean: That is profound. To have that instant gratification, that instant feedback of like whoa! This works! This made a difference! That’s cool!

Barret: I think that my path has just gone deeper and deeper. I have incorporated different energy healing techniques and after a while it just turned into my, basically my own style, which again I named The Witness energy healing and it actually is more conversational than a lot of the techniques that I learned. I talk with people about what’s going on but then I also tune in while I am talking with them and I will share things.

Sometimes it’s something a person is very conscious of and will exclaim “I can’t believe you said that!” But other times it’s stuff that is a little more hidden, it’s unconscious to them and I’ll say something. They’ll be like “I’m not really sure what that part is about.”, and it might be later in the session or even after the session that people will come into realizing what that was for them.

It’s all helpful, right? Everything that we look at is for that undoing of what’s false because as these false layers fall away, well, what comes forward? The light and the truth and the joy that is in everybody. They are just forgetting it, they are not remembering that’s who they are. The more we can let go of the shadow, the more that the light just shines.

Laura Jean: That’s beautiful how you say that, it really is. One thing that is interesting, that I have been noticing for myself and I think it applies to others too, it’s how often we put up with the pain on a daily basis. Not just physical pain but it is like it just becomes a part of us. Through our work together when we’ve done some sessions to be able to take a piece of that (pain), even just one small piece of that pain. Whether it’s emotional pain or whatever is going on and be able to release it. It allows that expansion. It really starts coming through.

Barret: Yeah, I think like you are saying, so many people are walking around with these pains and they just sort of become their new norm. They forget that there’s a lightness and a joy that is possible. Most people I think have such a heaviness around them. They feel like they can’t even access their truth, but that false layer, that burden, that heaviness, is only ever something that can heal, right?

So, no matter how inaccessible your truth and joy feels, it is still there for you. It is always there for you. Every time you let go of even one layer…say there was a whole wall, and you could chip away even 10 percent of that wall…well, it still seems like there is a wall there, but you are closer to what you want, right?

Maybe there is now some cracks in the wall. Maybe you can see the light starting to shine through even if you are not feeling the fullness of it yet. All of those things…they help and they are cumulative right? The more you do it, another 10 percent every time, eventually you get down to zero. Then you are just in the light and in the love. So, that’s the work. It’s just continuing forward to do this and to heal all these false layers within our mind and within our soul.

Laura Jean: I think one of the biggest things that you said was that is (pain) becomes the new norm. Pain every day. You wonder why you walk a certain way, don’t pick up your feet, don’t put your shoulders back. There’s just so much heaviness. To be able to pull one layer, two layers off and just be able to breathe.

Barret: It’s true, it’s true. It is just such a common thing and I’ve experienced it myself and I see it with my clients. That shift of going into the issue, it is usually not too fun, that part. Usually we don’t like to go a little deeper into the struggle or the tension. But then to emerge through on the other side, it is always like this sense of openness, always this sense of relief.

Sometimes we are afraid of going there because we are like, well, if I let myself cry a little my tears will never stop. People are afraid of really going into the stuff within. But, I am here to tell everyone the tears will eventually stop.

You know, maybe there are a lot of tears that need to be cried, maybe you are going to by crying for a few days after you’ve owned some of these feelings within yourself. That’s actually okay, it really is okay.It’s okay to feel your feelings. It’s okay to move through them. It’s okay to be all of who you are rather than just some idea or some part of who you are.

Because, again so many of us are doing that. We are living these sort of half lives or even less than that and it’s sad. It really is sad. It’s not the way we have to be. Ultimately I would say that the biggest part of all this work is the CHOICE. It always come back to a choice we are making and remembering we have a choice. A choice to come into a greater sense of peace. A choice to come into a deeper sense of our truth. A choice to speak what we know is true in our life and with the people around us.

These things often feel scary or threatening, but as we do them we realize they are actually the avenue to our happiness.

Laura Jean: Sometimes it only affects you in one or two areas too, but it can be enough to affect everything. If it’s relationships or just something that happened with a family member, even if it was 30 years back. Those instances can really affect your thinking, your thought process, how you interact with others.

I guess I am curious, who do you feel you work with more than others? What kind of topic areas do you work with?

Barret: I do a lot of different kind of segments. I would say the general thing that connects them all is that people have to at least have a little bit of an open mind. I mean, if I am going to be sharing about people’s past lives, even if you are not sure you believe in it, you have to at least willing to kind of hear me out. So, that’s a commonality.

I do work with relationships and I do work with couples. I help people move though relationship issues. I can work with groups as well. I work with people who have physical pains or problems but I would say the large majority is emotional issues that people are going through or relationship issues or just a desire for spiritual growth. So, that sort of general area is probably the bulk of the work that I do.

The truth is everyone has some emotional issues, some hiddenness, some shame, some pain that if they work through it they can really come into a greater sense of peace. And a lot of those are connected to our relationships. Usually those relationships closest to us are sometimes the most painful ones. Because when the don’t look like we think they should, when they are not going way, the deep love we have for that person turns into a deep pain. So those kinds of things are things I work with people as well.

I should say right up front that my sessions are not for you to be fixed. I am not here to fix anyone. But I am here to kind of see your truth. I am here to see the different layers of the happiness within but also the sadness, because when we see all these parts they start to flow. You could say that a lot of times people’s energy is just frozen and it is stuck.

When we are in a frozen or stuck place, well, we can’t really move forward. We can’t really take the steps we need to. But when we can all of a sudden let the sadness flow a bit and even let the happiness flow and let all these emotions move through, what we find is that we are moving. We are moving through it. We might not move through as quickly as we want to sometimes, but we are actually doing the WORK. And it is changing. And it is leading us to that sense of peacefulness which is ultimately what all of us are looking for.

Laura Jean: So, how do you generally work with people? Is it just single sessions or do you do longer term sessions? I am sure people are interested to know that.

Barret: Most of the people I work with sign up for a series of sessions. I do single sessions as well for people who want that but most of the people that come to me…again, they have a desire for a big change in their life. And making a big change usually requires a certain amount of persistence and willingness.

Again, if we are kind of peeling back the layers of these walls and the challenges within, in one session we maybe can get 30 percent of a wall done. But do you want to stop at 30 percent of a wall? Most people want to kind of get most of the way through or have a really big change in their life.

I do three month coaching packages and I do year long coaching packages where I work with someone twice a month for an hour over the phone. Most of my sessions do happen over the phone.

In the larger time frames we can really go deep. We can make a totally different shift or change in basically all of the different areas. One of my long term clients, we looked at issues around her career, her job, and money. We looked at issues around her relationship. And she hasn’t really been in a relationship, but now she’s really opening up to having that in her life again.

So, there’s some really significant changes that are happening. Probably even those outer changes look pretty great but just the fact that when I talk to her she just seems really happy. I mean, to have someone who had different emotions a little bit more predominantly a year ago and now to be talking with her…I mean she’s just like bubbly and joyful. It’s just beautiful, so there are profound changes that can move through when someone is willing to make such a big change in their life.

Laura Jean: Yes, it all starts with that willingness and that openness to allow yourself to want something more, something better. I don’t know, maybe a realization like “ I don’t have to put up with this stuff anymore! I am tired of dealing with this!”

Barret: Yeah, I know you and I have talked about this before, but before I got into the healing work I kind of felt a little bit like a zombie. I had worked a job and you know it was fine. It helped me pay the bills and I did meet people and connect with people there but it wasn’t my passion. It wasn’t my real joy. I kind of had this feeling of going through life half asleep.

At a certain point I just had to say it’s time to wake up and I actually needed help to do that. I worked with healers, you and other people, to help me move through these things so that I could claim my truth. I could step into what it was that is my purpose, which is helping other people moving through these shadows so that we can come into the light within.

I think that we are all in this together and you know is it possible for people to do all this work on their own? I don’t know… I suppose…probably. But is it easier to do it on your own? I would say definitely not. It is easier if you have someone who can help you point out some of your spiritual blind spots and pain points that maybe you are a little afraid to look at on your own.

To know that someone is there for you and will compassionately and non-judgmentally look at these things with you to help them heal and let go. I think we can all use some of that.

Laura Jean: I definitely agree! I will just say when I started down the path of healing I was on the do-it-yourself track. You know, your read a lot of websites and it is all very helpful and it is an awesome starting point but there does come a point when you cannot see your blindspots. You can’t admit to yourself that what you are doing or not doing or that your thought process needs tweaking because your are IN it, you are LIVING it. To have somebody that you don’t know come in and be able to go…hmm…all right…what’s that about? Tell me more about this. I’ve picked something up here. It can be like “Oh, really?! I can’t believe I’m doing that.”

So, it’s just a whole other level of healing. Starting out with reading and books is awesome and I still do, but to have somebody else helping and holding your hand through it and offering that support. That’s something that just goes so much further in being able to hold that light and to allow it in more. Beautiful.

Barret: And I think that how healing always happens. It happens in togetherness. We can do a certain amount, ant what that looks like on our own is with our Spirit Guides. Our Spirit Guides are always helping us.

I would say that is another facet of the work that I do. It is helping people access their own inner wisdom. I don’t feel that my function is to tell people what to do with their lives. I don’t need to be that guy. Everyone has that messenger within themselves. Most of are even somewhat or eve a lot clouded to hearing that voice, hearing that voice, hearing that part of us.

That doesn’t mean it’s not there, it doesn’t mean we’re broken, it doesn’t mean we can’t get to that point. I mean, fore me in my own life it took many years of working on these things, to open more and more fully in to this. I wasn’t always able to see people’s past lives or my own as clearly as I can now. But because I have been persistent with the healing, it has just deepened and gotten more profound as I have gone forward. So, i think that is sort of an example of how the path unfolds.

It is not wrong to be where you are on your path, it just means you have a few steps ahead of you so why not take them.

Laura Jean: Exactly. Love that! So, can you tell everybody where they can find out more about you and your services?

Barret: Yes, the best way is to go to my website, which is just my name Barret Hedeen at and that lists about the packages and the healing sessions that I was sharing about today and then the pricing around them. It also lists all the workshops and events that I am doing coming up, and it gives you the links to order my books at Amazon, so it’s a great resource to really see everything that I am doing and to connect with me more.

Laura Jean: And I know you have a newsletter as well so anybody can go and sign up for your newsletter on your website there. That way you get all of that information because you do a lot of live workshops, not just locally here in the Illinois area, but you have flown many states, gone to many states and done workshops for various things.

Barret: Yes, and that’s continuing. Coming up this new year (2018) we are going to be doing an event in Sedona, Arizona, a healing retreat from a Thursday to Sunday, so we would love to have you at that too. Again the details for that are on my website.

It’s really going to be about experience, going into the experience and moving through whatever shadows we are carrying forward so that the light can shine in the way. Because the light shines the shadows away. The only power a shadow has is in its hiddenness. And when we reveal it to the light, what happens to a shadow when it meets the light? The shadow is gone. It is really that simple. So, it’s only ever our fear of going into that is the problem.

So, yeah, all of my events are focused on that and some of them are specific about past lives, others are about the chakras – the energy centers that are a major part of our experience of life. I also do teaching about A Course In Miracles, which is really central to my path, which is a beautiful spiritual teaching about how to choose love in our lives and let go of fear.

And even more stuff. There is always more coming. I am actually writing a book. That book is going to be called Forgiving All My Lives and it will basically be a memoir of my past life healing journey sharing all kinds of pretty amazing experiences that I have had since I’ve gotten on this path. I am hoping that will be ready for release in 2018 as well.

Laura Jean: Awesome! Well, thank you, thank you so much for joining me on this podcast. It has been a pleasure talking with you today and I look forward to talking with you again soon.

Barret: Thank you so much Laura. This has been a real joy and a really fun conversation. So I am really glad you had me on today.

Laura Jean: All right. You have a great day and have a great day everyone. Bye for now!

Barret: Bye everyone!

Intuitive Journal Podcast 1 – Introduction and Welcome

On Intuitive Journal Podcast 1 I talk about how I stepped into becoming an professional intuitive and how this website, came to be.

If you have ever had a dark night of the soul experience, and wondered if it will ever end I am here to tell you the more you fully step into YOUR WORK, the sooner you will see your way through the shadows and the clouds.

In this introductory episode I share a bit of my path and also what to expect in upcoming episodes of the Intuitive Journal podcast.


spiritual awakening journey, life purpose, dark night of the soul


Intuitive Journal

Intuitive Readings

Free E-Book on Repeating Numbers and Sequences

Intuitive Journal Podcast 1 Transcript


Hello Everyone!

Thank you for listening to the Intuitive Journal podcast! I am your host, Laura Jean Warnke. For the past 8 years I have been a professional intuitive, spiritual advisor, and the author of the blog, where I write about stepping out of the psychic closet, repeating angel number patterns like 111, 222, and 333 and also write about developing your intuition. I also offer private intuitive readings and 1 to 1 mentoring services for those ready to step out of the psychic closet and into professional healing work.

Thank you for listening and taking the time to be interested in this show. In this introductory episode I wanted to share a little bit about myself and my background and what to expect from my Intuitive Journal podcast in the upcoming shows.

So, I have been a professional intuitive for about the past seven years. Over those years I’ve taken a really deep dive within myself and in helping others recognize and break energetic patterns that keep you from being happy and whole. I’ve learned all types of astrology, numerology, Akashic Records reading, energy scanning, and other healing modalities. I have learned about how energy flows, energy frequency, spiritual DNA, and vibration and taken these concepts and sciences – yes they really are sciences, and integrated them to bust through many of my own personal beliefs and patterns. That is what I do when I help my clients as well.

I believe we are capable of healing ourselves on all levels; physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional, but sometimes we need an objective eye to see the root of the issue and that is why sometimes we need to get an outside perspective.

Starting this Website

Since 2009 I’ve written on my blog, about developing your intuition, stepping out of the psychic closet, spirituality, and out of all those years of writing came this podcast. I felt the need to get my message out in a different way and I have always loved listening to audio recordings of my mentors. I am mainly clairaudient by nature so for me the spoken and written word are ways I can deeply connect to others. So, I have decided to take the topics I’ve written about over the years and to share them here on this podcast. My views have changed and matured somewhat over the years and I’ve received validation on many things I suspected were false.

When I started on this journey it was at a point in my life where I felt completely lost and disconnected from spirit. I felt numb and depressed and couldn’t put my finger on why and I began to wonder what was wrong with me. Many of you listening might have felt like that at some point in your life as well.

I began writing my blog with the intention that if I was experiencing all of these feelings, someone else out there is probably experiencing them too. My blog became an open journal of my experience with spiritual awakening. One of the biggest pieces of that spiritual awakening was seeing repeating numbers. You might have heard them called angel numbers.

Not everyone who sees repeating number patterns like 11:11, 222, 333, and 444 is looking for Spirit. But many of you are. That’s why I’m here. If you are listening to this podcast, chances are you are seeking Spirit at a deeper level, even if you don’t see it that way right now.

A Spiritual Journey

One of the biggest things about my spiritual awakening journey is that I felt completely alone and disconnected, even with a supportive husband and child. I felt like there was no one I could talk to about what I was experiencing, particularly when it came to awakening psychic abilities and intuition. I thought I was going crazy at times. I also thought I had to fix everything all by myself. I thought there was no assistance, no help from others and no support from Spirit. If you are still listening right now you might feel the same.

This entire spiritual journey or the “dark night of the soul” as some refer to it, is just that, a journey. Some even refer to it as the “heros journey”. But a journey to what? A journey or path to becoming whole. A path of ripping apart what wasn’t real or wasn’t a part of you and putting yourself back together again. It is about breaking everything down, examining the pieces, and putting the pieces back together again, but this time without all the extra stuff that was never a part of who you are at soul level. It is a homecoming of sorts. Coming back home to who you really are.

That is why I started this podcast and why I started my blog. I want you to feel like you are no longer alone. I am here for those of you who understand how your spirit connects to your beliefs and how that plays into your life when you have pain and confusion. You already know or believe in the unseen Spirit world. You understand there is more to this Earth and life than what we see in the physical world. You may feel called to step into professional intuitive or healing work.

So, throughout this show I refer to Spirit and what I mean by Spirit is Universal energy or Godsource energy. If you don’t care for those words, please feel free to insert, replace, or change it with a term that does fit your beliefs. You may also hear my guests referring to different terms as well.

A Bit About What I Believe

One of the things I have found to be most helpful in my path is being open to expanding my beliefs beyond specific doctrines like Christianity. It is an ongoing process of growth and expansion and I am still researching, learning, and finding new pieces of information all the time. I am connecting the pieces, some of which are long forgotten and have their roots in pre-Christian spirituality. I don’t particularly identify with any one religion or movement at this time and for most of my life prior to starting this blog really considered myself an Athiest. I keep growing and learning and expanding my beliefs and will share some of that in upcoming episodes of this podcast. It really is a continuous journey and it never ends.

In upcoming episodes I will talk about different kinds of Divine guidance, life purpose, Spirit Guides, past lives, and ways to develop your intuition. I will talk about karma, negative energy patterns, and belief systems and give you some ways to think about those things in a different light. I will also talk about repeating number patterns like 11:11, 222, 333, 444 and others as I know this is a topic many of you have questions about.

So, during this introductory episode I thought I would give you a little background about myself, so you know where I am coming from. I always find that knowing a bit about the background of someone when I listen to a podcast or a teleseminar really helps me to connect with that person better.

So, some of you have been with me for quite a while now following my blog posts on, my Facebook page, or have listened to me on an interview or webinar. For others, this is the first time you are really connecting with me, so just let me take a few minutes to introduce myself and share a little bit about my background.

Life Purpose

For many years I struggled to define my life purpose. I tried many different careers and jobs along the way, just never being fully satisfied with what I was doing. Despite having what some would consider a good job as an office manager for a financial advisor, I just couldn’t help but think there was something else I was supposed to be bringing to the world, but I did not have a clear idea about what that was.

I got to the point where I was just numb and depressed, and felt like a robot going through the motions with both my career and my life in general.
I wondered where my passion and sprit had gone and if it was possible to find it back. I went through a period of soul searching and redefining who I was. It was really a dark night of the soul experience. You might be somewhere in the middle of that experience too.

It became apparent that something was going to have to change. It took a while to get my savings in order to make the leap, but I kept at it until the day I finally gave my notice and left my full-time job in 2011. It was one of the scariest and most exhilarating moments of my life.

The Real Inner Work

Unbeknownst to me, that was when the real inner work began. I now had the time available to pursue what I really wanted which was energy healing and intuitive work, but then found I needed to work on me and what I had to offer the world. There was no more hiding behind the curtain. It was time to step out and let the world know what I was made of.
What made everything change was the day I made the commitment to myself to live each day with passion, love, and inner spirit.

What started out as a personal healing journey ended up being the background for the healing work I am doing now. By working on my inner being, I found myself being drawn to Reiki, the Akashic Records, learning all I could about intuition and psychic abilities, and many other alternative healing areas.

What finally started making sense to me about my intuitive abilities was that what I thought were just natural traits, were not traits that others had developed to the same degree. I continued down the path of reading everything I could about developing my intuitive abilities and started taking a few professional psychic development courses.

Finally one day I knew I needed to speak about all I had learned and I started my website as a means of expressing all of my thoughts and feelings.

Fast forward a few years and I now have multiple certifications and trainings with some wonderful teachers regarding learning to use your psychic abilities at a professional level. I have picked up some great techniques and methods along the way for connecting and communicating with my Spirit Guides and also some great ways to recognize intuition when it is smacking you in the face.

Rediscovering My Passion

Through writing, I really rediscovered my passion, my spirit, and my love for life. I feel like I have come around full circle, but now the circle is infinite and expanding.
I now offer private intuitive readings and spiritual business mentoring, I find out who you were meant to be at soul level and what is keeping you from expressing that in this lifetime. I work with you to get clear on your next steps, heal from the past, and bring back the passion and spirit to your life.

So, that’s a little bit about me. I appreciate having you here listening in and look forward to sharing more about my journey in upcoming episodes. Many of the topics I will be talking about are questions submitted by readers of my blog. So, I would love new topic ideas for the show. If you would like me to talk about something you have questions about, you can send me a message via the contact form on my website with your ideas and suggestions.

You can also visit my blog at where I offer a free report on repeating numbers and give you definitions of what some of the more common angel numbers mean.

This is Laura Jean Warnke from and I look forward to talking with you again soon.

Bye for now!

Slade Roberson Interview

Slade Roberson from, and the Podcast “Shift Your Spirits” recently interviewed me about repeating number patterns and stepping out of the psychic closet. Slade Roberson is a professional intuitive and I was certified in his Automatic Intuition Intuitive Development program in 2010. A few weeks ago Slade invited me to be interviewed on his podcast … Read more

How To Reconnect With Your Soul Level Gifts

soul level gifts

Reconnect with your soul level gifts and start fully expressing who you are. Allow your true inner self to shine through. In a previous article on how to discover your soul purpose, I talked about feeling like discovering your soul’s purpose can seem harder than it needs to be. Are you trying hard to do … Read more

Claim Your FREE Seat At Srikumar Rao’s Masterclass

Srikumar Rao Develop Extreme Resilience

I want to introduce you to best-selling author, TED Speaker and consultant, Professor Srikumar Rao. Professor Rao helps senior executives, entrepreneurs and innovators quiet their internal turmoil and find deep personal meaning in their lives. His course on Creativity and Personal Mastery (CPM) has become so popular, there is a waiting list and multiple hurdles … Read more

Spiritual Meaning of 000 | Angel Number 000

spiritual meaning of 000

Do you see the repeating angel number 000? Find out the symbolism and spiritual meaning of 000 and what the numerology sequence means to you. I have written before about other repeating numbers like 46, 147, 1010, 111, 11:11, 12:12, 222, 333,  444, 555, 666, 777, 888, and 999 if you see those numbers as well. Seeing … Read more